If you're not making the type of money in your business that you know you deserve, then there's a big chance that there is a problem with your systems. Systems are multiple processes that work together to achieve an overall result. Many business owners either don't have the proper systems in place to properly run their businesses, or they are severely lacking in the systems they do have in place. For instance, they may have amazing social media engagement, but they don't have a system in place to turn that engagement into conversions (sales). Or perhaps they're gaining sales, but they aren't getting repeat buyers because there's no system in place for following up with them.
With the right systems in place, you can increase your visibility, impact, and profits in a predictable, consistent way. You'll be able to find and attract the right clients, keep them delighted and wanting to work with you long-term, and even work a lot fewer hours in your business — all due to having good, working systems in your business. Let's dig into the 3 main systems you should have in your business so you can keep your funnel filled with the perfect clients and make the money you dreamed of making when you started your business.

1. A System for Awareness & Discovery
Most solopreneurs don't have a real system in place for discovery and bringing awareness to their business. They often rely on referrals to get new clients, which results in inconsistent revenue and those dreadful “feast for famine” seasons in business. It's horribly unpredictable and leaves the fate of your business — and its profitability — in the hands of someone else. In order to get new clients to pay you (so you can have keep bringing money into the business), they have to know who you are and what you do. There has to be a system in place to help people become aware of you so you can move them down the funnel.
A few possible options that can work together to make up a good system for awareness & discovery are: 1) your blog, 2) your social media channels, and 3) regular speaking engagements. There are many leaders and experts who keep their pipeline full of prospects with this type of system.
▪ Your blog – When you commit to blogging consistently — which means establishing a regular rhythm that works for you and your audience — you get the chance to display your authority in your field. When you blog on a regular basis about topics that interest your audience, they come to know you as an expert and will start seeking out your content. Your blog is also your piece of online real estate — a web property that you own (unlike social media accounts) that allows you to stay connected to your audience in the event you lose access to social media or there's some sort of outage — which has definitely happened more than a few times for a lot of business owners who grew a large social media following. Blogs are highly searchable, and if you take advantage of SEO (search engine optimization), it can allow you to be found by those interested in your topic and ultimately your approach to solving problems.
▪ Your social media – There are so many social media platforms out there, and it seems that more are introduced to us every other day. It can be overwhelming to try to be everywhere so the recommendation from most experts is to stick to 2-3 platforms that you can manage well (the operative word being “well”). You don't want to have so many accounts that they are all struggling with spotty content and no engagement because you're struggling to manage them. Figure out where your buyers hang out and establish a presence there. Also be mindful that your potential clients may not be where “everyone else” is. It may seem that everyone is hanging out and having fun on TikTok, for example, but if you're looking for corporate buyers, it may be more worth your while to set up shop on LinkedIn.
▪ Regular speaking engagements – Public speaking is one of the fastest ways to get in front of your ideal clients and establish the know, like, and trust factor. If you're good at speaking, you can easily establish a connection with the audience and reel them in with your topic. You're also automatically seen as an authority because you're the one onstage. Keep in mind, public speaking doesn't always mean being the keynote speaker for a huge conference. There are tons of opportunities you can take advantage of, especially if you're just starting out with speaking. Consider business networking meetings, Chamber of Commerce events, and even local meetups for a particular interest or niche.
When all of these things are properly executed, they'll lead potential clients down the path of getting to know, like, and trust you to start building a relationship that needs to be nurtured.
2. A System for Nurturing Relationships
Many business owners are good at meeting people, networking, and connecting like a pro online or in person. But sometimes they often fall short when it comes to nurturing and maintaining those relationships. This is extremely important, though, because getting people into the funnel is one thing. It's an entirely different thing to make sure they're engaged enough to move further down the funnel and get to know more about you and your business. It's imperative for potential clients to think of you first when it comes to the problem that you solve. So you have to connect with them frequently to remind them who you are and of your expertise.
Many service providers and coaches offer free consultations or free discovery calls, but they not using this step in the game to its fullest potential. It could be a key piece in connecting with those you'd love to work with. However, this step as part of your system can show potential clients how knowledgeable and helpful you are as well as give you a chance to see if you'd like to work with them (based on their personality, their goals, and any other criteria that matters to you). But getting on the phone or video chat is a great way to begin to nurture the relationship.
Email marketing is also a great way to nurture relationships with potential clients and even existing clients. It's a simple way to stay in touch as well as provide value regularly to your audience. You can offer weekly newsletters with actionable tips and advice that will have them anticipating the next one — or even priming them to muster up the courage to book a call with you. Also be sure you're using email marketing in your follow-up process — whether they purchase from you or not. This is a great opportunity to see how you can assist them further while staying top of mind.
3. A System for Making Sales
Sales are the lifeblood of any business. Without making sales and bringing in the “moolah”, the business dies. On the most basic level, your sales system should guide the potential buyer through a process of getting to know you through your content and free offerings, then journey down a path of working with you on various levels (depending on business model and the products/services that you offer). It should also give the potential customer the ability to actually purchase from you — and receive the thing they purchased — then receive any necessary support after the purchase.
Many business owners miss out on the chance to convert clients because there's also not a process in place (as part of the overall sales system) to offer upsells and downsells based on where the customer is in their journey. What happens when someone isn't yet ready to purchase your big ticket signature program? “No” shouldn't be the only option they have to give you as an answer. Make sure there are alternatives in place or other ways to stay connected until they are ready to purchase. Also take a look at your payment processors and your cart software to make sure it's also user-friendly and provides a seamless experience for the buyer. The relationship doesn't end at the sale so ensure that your customers are fully supported after their purchase and can easily contact your company if they need help.
Assess your overall business and determine where your systems could use some optimization. Whether it's tightening up your funnel or having a better customer support process, take the steps needed to get your business to the next level — having a professional and trusted presence, running like a well-oiled machine, and delighting customers and potential customers every step of the way. If you'd like help with getting your systems in order — creating new ones or optimizing existing ones — book a Business Review Session with us today! We'll be more than happy to review your goals and business needs and craft a plan that works for your unique business.