
Third-party resources** (i.e. books, tools, software, etc.) that can be used to help you grow your business & improve your life over. Learn goal-setting & time management, business planning, and more!

Branding & Storytelling

** We may recommend third-parties' products and services if we find them helpful to our students, clients, and readers. When you purchase through these links, we receive a commission or percentage of the sale of these products or services — at no extra cost to you — through our website. We only recommend things we find truly valuable, but it is up to you, the consumer, to do your due diligence. We are not liable for any purchase terms, conditions, representations or warranties between you and the Merchant. You agree that we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, refunds, or other matters of any sort that incurred as the result of such dealings with a Merchant.