Our Blog

Check out our articles, tips, and resources to help coaches, consultants, and online service providers like you build a thriving, woman-led business!

The 3 Systems You Need to Help You Grow Your Business

If you're not making the type of money in your business that you know you deserve, then there's a big chance that there is a problem with your systems. Systems are multiple processes that work together to achieve an overall result. Many business...

3 Steps to Enhance Your Positioning by Exercising Confidence

Think of all of the successful people that you know -- especially the ones that are most prevalent in the media. Close your eyes and really picture them. Think about people like Oprah, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, or Beyoncé. Not ONE of them appear...

Four Important Mindset Shifts You Need to Have As a Business Owner

When making the leap to become a business owner, it takes way more than just a good idea, a beneficial product or service, and funding to run the entire operation. Don't get me wrong -- those things are absolutely necessary, especially if you want...